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MARCH 2024

The students we will be sending to SIA 2024 are Alice Cai and Aya Schwartz.

Both are seniors at John Jay High School.

Congratulations, Alice & Aya!

Watch this space for updates ahead of May's Students Inside Albany conference.


JUNE 2023

Students Inside Albany 2023 is in the books --- the first in-person SIA conference since May 2019! We are so glad that Pierce and Jesse had the true SIA experience!

MAY 2023

With the Covid cancellation of SIA 2022, we offered this year's spots to last year's selected students, Kaeleigh Picco and Pierce Berke. Unfortunately, Kaeleigh's school schedule in May won't allow her to participate. But Pierce in on board and the student joining him this year is Jesse Collins, from John Jay High School.

MARCH 2022

Congratulations to Kaeleigh Picco of Somers High School and Pierce Berke of John Jay High School.











Kaeleigh and Pierce

photo credit: Barbara Dodds

Students Inside Albany (SIA) is a multi-day conference sponsored by the League of Women Voters of New York State Education Foundation. Each year, local leagues select a student or students to send to the Albany conference, at no cost to the student(s). LWVNEW’s two selected students will join their peers from all across the state for interactive workshops, a tour of the Capitol, and an opportunity to shadow their state legislators.


SIA is designed to increase high school students' awareness of their responsibility in representative government and provide information about the tools necessary for meeting that responsibility. Some of the workshop topics include the state budget process, the role of lobbyists in the legislative process, citizen rights to access government information, the role of media in politics, and the move to reform state government. The highlight for most students is attending a legislative session on the Chamber floor.


CLICK HERE to view photos of past SIA winners





SIA 2022 Kaeleigh Picco crop.jpg
SIA 2022 Pierce Berke crop.jpg


DID YOU KNOW that you can PRE-REGISTER to vote if you are 16 or 17? Section 2 of New York State's voter registration form allows for pending registrations. Pre-register now and, when you turn 18, your status will automatically change to "registered."


Our volunteers were at area high schools again this spring. Thank you to the students and administrators at John Jay, Somers, and Fox Lane high schools. It is always great to be on your campuses, interacting with students! 


Completed registration forms were hand-delivered to the Board of Elections in White Plains.





Allison Chernow John Jay Spring 2024.jpg
Somers High School Voter Reg Spring 2024.jpg


A reminder that students may join LWVNEW free of charge! A student membership is available to those enrolled full or part time with an accredited institution. We currently have 5 student members, a mix of high school and college.

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